Previously in The Purple Mamba…..
The dull but deadly, dogged detective Dulse has been called in to follow the trail of the mocking, mad munching monstrosity that is the bun shaped bun burgling bum The Purple Mamba. Though hot on his trail, Dulse was unable to catch the calculating, caped cake crusader before another attack….but he was trying really hard to meet his current key performance indicators!
This week, by the Power of Grayskull, (well actually, it was by the Power of Scotland, Scottish Power being the company who won the latest annual “battle of the energy switch” to supply my household gas and electricity. This is not to be confused with the Flower of Scotland which is a delightful and tuneful song when sung well by patriotic Scots) oh, I digress again!
…the Technology gnomes of the Photoshop room in my computer have successfully negotiated with the pixelating pixies. These are the little folks who live inside my Canon Ixus camera and wind the shutter opening crank, before running the images over to my desktop machine. Between them they have successfully cleaned up some more old copy and conspired to bring you…..
Purple Mamba Parts 4 and 5
…watch this space for the next “exciting” instalment (I think the three of us are still enjoying this anyway). Until then…
Help! I missed Part 1 | Parts 2 & 3 |